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michel camdessus中文是什么意思

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  • 米歇尔康德苏


  • The search is now on for a replacement for michel camdessus as managing director of the international monetary fund on his retirement early next year
  • Michel camdessus , the managing director of the international monetary fund , described the mexican peso collapse of 1994 - 5 and the international rescue effort that is prompted as " the first financial crisis of the 21st century "
    1992 - 3年欧洲货币体系危机不久, 1994 ? 1995年墨西哥金融危机接踵而至,仅仅两年之隔的1997年,众多国家就陷入“亚洲风暴”的肆虐中。
  • In china and hong kong sar , the successful maintenance of exchange rate regimes has helped restore stability in asian financial markets . - international monetary fund managing director michel camdessus , asia - europe finance ministers meeting , frankfurt , january 16 , 1999
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